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The new day started out hot. It was still July. Because this was a Sunday, there were no classes and the girls were given the entire morning as personal time.

The wake up and morning prep before breakfast, however, remained the same as other days. The dorm rooms at Connor Hostel were organized in two sets of five rooms.

Each set was located on a side of a single long hallway. This hallway being the top, or fourth, floor of one of the main building. Each of the rooms contained space for up to ten girls.

This gave a total capacity of one hundred.

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Currently the Hostel was only at half capacity. Madam Hinshar’s strict selection process held attendance back. This still provided for an adequate selection and variety for my personal needs.

Applications from parents were increasing, however, and this meant that close to full attendance was expected within the year. Madam always wanted a few empty slots for that unusually delightfully charmer that would apply.

The arrangement of the rooms had five single bunks on each side. The headboards were against the walls. Adjacent to each bunk, and against the wall, was a closet for personal use.

A small chest-of-draws was placed inside. Adjacent to this closet was a standard wooden study desk. A short stool, lamp, and trashcan were also provided.

One entered each room from the hallway through a doorless opening and saw each set of five bunks on the left and right. At the far end was the bare entrance to the room’s common bath area.

This facility was fully tiled on the floor and walls.

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On the bath area walls opposite to the sleeping area were five sinks side by side and recessed in a common counter top. The entire wall above the counter was covered with a four-foot high mirror.

At each of the two walls adjacent to the sinks were three exposed toilets.

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The bath’s back wall contained five open showerheads. A coiled water hose was also located here for wash-downs.

Near the ceiling, and above the showers were a set of five small windows. These were the only opening to the outside, save for the windows at each end of the common hallway.

As one might expect at Connor Hostel one additional item was located in the center of the bath area. A heavy teakwood whipping horse.

One end was higher and wider than the other was.

Olivia was also worried over the consequences of her next confession with Father Leo. Her beautifully firm bare titties bounced in unison not three feet from my eyes. White lace insert high leg cupped body 2012 No moving or talking was permitted. Oh Lordie, It Burns There

This high end was rounded and curved to better fit and retain a small girl’s hips. A collection of black leather straps, switches, and small paddles hung from the center beam.

A pair of leather cuffs was in place at the base of the legs at the raised end. These were for holding a girl’s legs in place and well spread.

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Additional cuffs were attached to the other end with adjustable length cords. These would hold a girl’s arms taught as she was bent over the raised end.

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The teak whipping horses were simple but most effective disciplinary devices. Their locations, one was in place in each of the ten bath areas, made it even more so.

The open tiled bath amplified not only the sounds of a corrective implement as it landed on the tender naked skin of a naughty girl, but her reactive squeals and pleas as well.

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Without any doors on the bath or dorm room entrances, the sound would travel freely to all areas of the floor. This created a form of public discipline.

It never took long for the word to get around as to whose cries were being heard.

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A few particularly troublesome girls’ voices were even commonly recognized as frequent “riders” of the horse. The Connor Hostel had a rather sizable manual on “Rules-of-Conduct”.

This paddi ng could easily rotate around the bar and thus prevented a girl from attaining any support of her body weight. Dresses for Women, Mini Club Dresses different sizes, designs Username: Password: Forgot your password?

Far too many to list here. However, a few governing the dorm rooms and baths should be listed for basic understanding:.

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Towels shall always be carried, neatly folded, in the hands. No articles shall be placed on bunks nor shall any girl sit or lay on any bunk during this time.

Quite hours shall be between eight and lights out at ten PM on class nights. Lights out shall be eleven PM on Fridays and Saturdays. Each room had a matron permanently assigned to that room.

Please Rate This Submission: 1 5 best. You are going to both hate and love what I did to you. White lace insert high leg cupped body 2012 The arrangement of the rooms had five single bunks on each side.

They were referred to and addressed as “Room Mother” by the girls within. At Madam’s command each matron entered her room, turned on the lights and blew a loud whistle, one that you might hear at a sporting event.

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At this sound all girls were to rise and stand at attention at the foot of their bunks. At Connor Hostel attention meant standing straight, legs together, arms down by your side and head and eyes straight ahead.

No moving or talking was permitted. This provided quite a nice little spectacle, for each girl wore only a nightshirt.

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These were made from the standard thin white cotton jersey and were cut sleeveless with a deep V-neck. What made my cock spring to attention was that each girl’s nightshirt extended down only to a length well short of her waistline.

With no panties worn, each girl stood naked from just above their waist to their bare feet. Keep in mind that shaving was a morning ritual.

This presented row after row of smooth, pink, and hairless cunties for my visual enjoyment.

18.02.2020 – The nettles soon traveled up and down the sensitive top of her inner thighs. A quick word by Madam or a Room Mother had any deviation from proper conduct quickly amended. Susie’s lovely and firm young titties did not flatten out as one might expect, but amazingly maintained their pointed shape while she lay on her back. Please type in the security code You may also listen to a recording of the characters. Without exchanging a word she walked over, leaned forward and took his cock in her mouth, her head bobbing up and down.

Not to speak of their soft round little hinnys. Madam’s idea of having me present at wakeup call was a most delightful way to start any day. To take full advantage of the opportunity she decided to make a walk through inspection of a number of rooms.

The girls were made to remain at attention until we had exited their particular room.

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Room assignments were generally segregated, in order, by age. With attendance at approximately 50, each room was about half full; therefore, all were in use.

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We started with the youngest girls, the ten-year-olds. This was a room on the left at one end of the hallway. On entrance, I allowed my eyes to enjoy the feast.

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Six charming girls were present. I quickly noticed that one nice looking redhead stood completely naked, without any nightshirt.

It was explained to me that the night befor e she had received an adjustment in attitude. This had been in the form of a short ride on that teak horse in the bath area.

Her small bottom still showed the signs of a nice strapping and, according to regulations, had been sent to bed naked. Generally, the inspection went normally.

It was noticed, however, that on my entrance some of the girls seemed to be taken a little aback. I am sure that by now word of my presence was well known by all, but this inspection still represented the first time most of the girls were forced to “show themselves off” in my presence.

A quick word by Madam or a Room Mother had any deviation from proper conduct quickly amended. This meant remaining at attention, nearly naked, while I took my time viewing each one carefully.

All went accordingly, that is, until we entered the fourth and last room to be inspected. This location was assigned to an older group of eleven-year-olds.

One girl, a Miss Sharon Thomson, had been at Conner Hostel less than a week, and this was her first walk through inspection. Her parents had placed her here because of her insistent and increasingly arrogant attitude.

Unfortunately, for Sharon, she was new to any form of training hostel, having been previously tutored only at home. She now found herself in one of the strictest environments of all and quickly got herself into real trouble.

Sharon had been issued a particularly skimpy and short version of the standard white cotton nightshirt.

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It would seem that the “Room Mother” had wanted her to feel exceptionally naked during wakeup calls. It worked, for on our entrance she quickly reacted to my presence.

From her regulation stance of attention both hands flashed forward, to cover the small hairless slit of her sex. In the same motion her left knee, the one closest to me, came up and crossed over her right as she bent slightly forward.

If this was not enough, she also made the additional error of speaking up.

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